Friend Tony "TDX' Harper

Bill Calfee

Gun Fool
Friend Tony "TDX' Harper

CYA friends:

Tony "TDX" Harper is undertaking the task of writing the history of IR-50 sportas...

Tony called me today and we talked at length about the history of the IR-50 sporta particular the history ever since I added a muzzle device to IR-50 sportas.

Anyway, we were discussing straight line sporta stocks, and who originally came up with the idea...

I could not remember the stock maker's name who produced the first straight line sporta stock, as Tony and I talked....

Until just now....

The first straight line sporta stock, and probably the first straight line RFBR stock of any kind, was produced by a stock maker by the name of Turner.

I wish I could remember Mr. Turner's first name......Mike, maybe?????

Anyway, this stock maker produced the first ever, straight line Sporta stock, and like I said, maybe the first straight line stock for any class in the history of Big Time RFBR.....

Your friend, Bill Calfee...
Friends Admin and Timo

Friends Admin and Timo

Thank you both........

Yes, that is the stock maker I was referring to....

It's funny how things change....

The first straight line sporta stock, first straight line of any RFBR stock for that matter, was the one Keith Lovan had...

He came up one day and we went to the range and I got to shoot it...

And I did not care for it at all.......

I had no specific reason, it was simply something I wasn't used to...

And now I won't have anything else......

I look forward to reading Tony's work on the subject of IR-50 sportas, and IR-50 as a whole.

Your friend, BC
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