Friend Anthony DiOrio

Bill Calfee

Gun Fool
Friend Anthony DiOrio

Friend Anthony DiOrio:

Here's a doodle I rendered years ago in pastels, colored chalk, of my old hunting buddy Lawrence Parson:


Lawrence was a black Afro-American gentleman, and I'm chalk white.....

But he didn't see me that way, nor did I see him that way....

We were both simply Americans.......

Anthony, Lawrence had a lot of sayings, but one in particular applies to you today in the world of RFBR action makers.

His saying: "You've got the world in a jar, and the stopper in your hand"

Friend Anthony DiOrio:

You may, or may not, realize this, but.....

In the world of RFBR action makers:

"You've got the world in a jar, and the stopper in your hand"

Your friend, Bill gun fool Calfee
Friend Anthony gun fool DiOrio

Friend Anthony gun fool DiOrio

Friend AD:

I can see you're smiling......I don't blame you....

AD, the SAP ignition RFBR action world has been trying to catch MD-PAS ignition for the past 23 years...

So what's going on today in the SAP ignition RFBR action world is just a continuation of the past 23 years...

Like my old hunting buddy Lawrence says:

"You've got the world in a jar and the stopper in your hand."




Oh, by the way.....

AD, there's nothing in the world of RFBR like these pistols.....

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Thanks for your words of encouragement and support, I really do appreciate them. I didn't get the Turbos where they're at today by myself though, I've had guidance from you and Tom W. In my opinion, that has been the biggest key to getting where we're at today and I am truly thankful for that guidance.

Now, if I could only figure out how to clone about 4 more of me, I'd get more accomplished during each day. I'm certain my wife doesn't want me to figure out the cloning stuff, she says one of me is enough ;)

The pistols are progressing and I hope, very soon, I'll have some "tangibles" to send to you to evaluate. It seems there are lots of other rim fire disciplines besides bench rest, some new some old, where customers are using our receivers as the platform for new builds. I never imagined our Turbo being used for these types of builds including the soon to come XP's.

Thanks again, we'll talk soon.

Best Regards, Anthony
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Friend AD


Thanks for your words of encouragement and support, I really do appreciate them. I didn't get the Turbos where they're at today by myself though, I've had guidance from you and Tom W. In my opinion, that has been the biggest key to getting where we're at today and I am truly thankful for that guidance.

Now, if I could only figure out how to clone about 4 more of me, I'd get more accomplished during each day. I'm certain my wife doesn't want me to figure out the cloning stuff, she says one of me is enough ;)

The pistols are progressing and I hope, very soon, I'll have some "tangibles" to send to you to evaluate. It seems there are lots of other rim fire disciplines besides bench rest, some new some old, where customers are using our receivers as the platform for new builds. I never imagined our Turbo being used for these types of builds including the soon to come XP's.

Thanks again, we'll talk soon.

Best Regards, Anthony


Friend AD:

All rimfire accuracy shooting disciplines would use MD-PAS ignitioned actions, if they could get them.

It matters not what rimfire accuracy game it is, all serious shooters crave the best accuracy possible.

And no form of SAP ignition is capable of the consistency of ignition as MD-PAS.

It's kinda ironic........

The most consistent SAP ignition RFBR action ever made, the Falcon, is no longer being produced.


Every time you mention the pistols you bring smiles to a bunch of folks.....

Your friend, BC




"You've got the world in a jar and the stopper in your hand."

My old buddy Lawrence was exactly right, in your case.

To demonstrate this AD, you could make a reasonably good living doing nothing but producing kits to convert SAP ignition RFBR actions to MD-PAS...
Friend AD

Friend AD

Friend AD:

I had to get up to pee-pee, so I thought I'd post don't need to respond....I'm just thinking out loud...

Here's a quote from my last post:



"You've got the world in a jar and the stopper in your hand."

My old buddy Lawrence was exactly right, in your case.

To demonstrate this AD, you could make a reasonably good living doing nothing but producing kits to convert SAP ignition RFBR actions to MD-PAS..."


The last sentence, bold orange, you might think I'm just joking.....

I'm not, believe me I'm not...

If you had 50 conversion kits made up to convert SAP ignition RFBR actions to MD-PAS, they'd be gone in a week...

Anthony, I'm good at thinking up work for other folks.....cause I ain't got much use for work, myself...


Having SAP to MD-PAS conversion kits made up would be one thing, actually fitting them to each individual rifle would be another.....

When Leonard Baity, Mr Falcon, made up kits to convert 12 ignition Turbos to 6 ignition, folks would either send in their action, or, make an appointment and stop by his shop and wait while he fit the conversion...

A bunch of folks made those appointments.......

Anthony, can you imagine a feller, who produced his own line of RFBR actions, the Falcon, making 6 ignition conversion kits for the competition?

A lot of his Baity 6 ignition Turbo conversions are still killing it today.....

Anyway, I'm most serious.......

If you offered SAP to MD-PAS conversion kits, and accepted appointments to fit them, they'd be a line of automobiles a half mile long lined up at your shop door......

Of course all of the above is AFTER you get these pistols, for the masses....cough, cough...

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Your friend, BC



Here's the start of the 6 ignition revolution.....

Because of Leonard Baity and these four pioneers, 6 ignition is now simply taken for granted, world wide.

Pioneers in color.jpg
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Friend AD

Friend AD

Friend AD:

Anthony, I get a ton of calls from folks wanting to be competitive in RFBR....

I can't answer them all.......most are on my answering machine, and I simply can not return their calls..


The overwhelming majority want to know if you're really going to produce SAP to MD-PAS conversion kits.

So I need to stop suggesting that you do the conversions.....

My friend, you could make a reasonable living producing kits to convert SAP ignition RFBR actions to MD-PAS.


Please do this first.....( I'm selfish)

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Your pistol fool friend, BC
Friend AD

Friend AD:

Anthony, you're booked.......

I want this......more than anything else in life......OK...

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Now don't laugh........OK....

Have you ever considered producing a special run of V-3's with the giant centerfire barrel thread?

Anthony, wouldn't that be the absolute most ridiculous thing in the world for you to ever consider?

You know I'm just spoofing.......

Your pistol fool friend, Bill Calfee
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