Book package was delivered today at 10:17 hours. Do you have it "in hand"?

Friend Ventidue:


I just signed your copy of my book....

I can tell you've been reading it as the backbone of the book is well broken down.....

I'll ship it back to you the first of next week, or so...

Your LBK and pistol fool friend, Bill Calfee
Please remember to tell the post office that you are sending a book so that you can get a less expensive book rate. Should cost the same to return the book to me as it cost to send the book to you: $5.61

Will read your book M A N Y times. Thank you for sharing your knowledge with all of us.
If I wanted someone to build a rifle for me who uses the techniques you have developed, whom would you recommend? I am especially intrigued with the idea of letting the barrel tell you where to locate the breech end and where to cut the crown thus determining the length of the barrel.
If I wanted someone to build a rifle for me who uses the techniques you have developed, whom would you recommend? I am especially intrigued with the idea of letting the barrel tell you where to locate the breech end and where to cut the crown thus determining the length of the barrel.

Friend Ventidue:

I'll have your signed copy of my book in the mail to you in a few days....

You asked who uses the techniques I developed that could build you a rifle based on them?

Jeff Patterson is that person....but there's a difference between Jeff and myself....

Jeff builds them much better than I ever did.......

The only bad thing is this.....Jeff is the chance of getting him to build you a rifle might be slim....although Jeff will have to speak for himself in this matter.

Good luck, your LBK and pistol fool friend, Bill Calfee

How can I contact Jeff so that I may ask him? Thank you. I understand you are no longer making rifles. If so, I understand. I am myself a builder of fly rods. After 33 years I decided to "hang it up". The last fly rod I build was back in 2007. I still have on split bamboo rod I build and never used. Been thinking about posting it on eBay and see what happens.
How can I contact Jeff so that I may ask him? Thank you. I understand you are no longer making rifles. If so, I understand. I am myself a builder of fly rods. After 33 years I decided to "hang it up". The last fly rod I build was back in 2007. I still have on split bamboo rod I build and never used. Been thinking about posting it on eBay and see what happens.
Friend Ventidue,

Check your private messages.
Jeff Patterson
Thanks for Jeff Patterson's contact information. Have sent a message to him. We'll see if he replies.
When may I expect to receive your signed copy of the book?

Friend Ventidue:

It will go in the US Mail, Priority, Monday...

Sorry it's taken so long...


Your LBK and pistol fool friend, Bill Calfee
Thank you. Got some reading, re-reading, underlining, note taking, notes in the margins, questions to whcih you may want to reply and generally moving forward,
Mr. C, the signed book has arrived. Thank you. Now on with the reading, learning, shooting and generally having fun.
What can you tell me about rifles that you have built with the lighter, small diameter barrels (0.825") that produced "killer" results?
What can you tell me about rifles that you have built with the lighter, small diameter barrels (0.825") that produced "killer" results?

Friend Ventidue:

The most important rifle I built using a little .825" diameter barrel is the one I built for Mike Mullins...

With that little .825" diameter Lilja, Mike produced the first ARA 2500 target in history.

This was over 20 years ago.

So a little .825" diameter barrel holds what is probably the most important record in RFBR history.

By the way, Mike Mullins gave me that first 2500 ARA target.....I will cherish it forever.

Your LBK and pistol fool friend, Bill Calfee
Are there any other rifle smiths that are using the 0.825" barrel? By the way who was the 0.825' barrel maker?
I like to pass a Bore Snake through the barrel 3 times after a shooting session before i return to my residence. I do this not to clean the barrel but to get rid of some of the residue. Do you object to this practice or do you think it is o.k. to continue this practice? Thank you.
I like to pass a Bore Snake through the barrel 3 times after a shooting session before i return to my residence. I do this not to clean the barrel but to get rid of some of the residue. Do you object to this practice or do you think it is o.k. to continue this practice? Thank you.
How clean is that bore snake after the first pass through the barrel?????? Throw it in the trash can.
Yes, indeed, don't use a bore snake. You'll hurt easily your barrel.
Better to leave it alone, until back at home and have time to correctly clean the barrel.
This one is for Bill Calfee and others if interested. How about pulling up YouTube and entering,"Clara-Jumi Kang: Massenet, "Thais" Meditation (Encore)" for a piece of devine classical music.for
Consistent ignition from my Vudoo Single Shot Rifle. Thought to take this unusual photo and send it to a select few. If you do not receive the 2 photos please let me know so that I can search for another way to send the photos to you.
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