
Jerry Halcomb

May 2, 2015
Reaction score
Anyone have a Sporter PAS action or complete rifle? I’m looking to build or rebuild a back up to Baby Merlin.

Anyone have a Sporter PAS action or complete rifle? I’m looking to build or rebuild a back up to Baby Merlin.

Howdy Jerry,

I hope you get an action. And then.....I hope you talk about your build, in detail, as you do it. Pictures would be awesome!

I used to love reading along as Bill would do a build.

I enjoy him reliving his builds.

Isn't Baby Merlin the rifle Bill built and did a four shot group that was phenomenal.......and put shot number five in the same group the next day?

He did a video on it. It was cooooool.....

Anyway, I hope you get a good action and build that sporter!

Take care,

Howdy Jerry,

I hope you get an action. And then.....I hope you talk about your build, in detail, as you do it. Pictures would be awesome!

I used to love reading along as Bill would do a build.

I enjoy him reliving his builds.

Isn't Baby Merlin the rifle Bill built and did a four shot group that was phenomenal.......and put shot number five in the same group the next day?

He did a video on it. It was cooooool.....

Anyway, I hope you get a good action and build that sporter!

Take care,

I pretty sure this rifle is the one he test with the 4 shot group. Nothing is wrong with this rifle but I was looking for a project plus backup Sporter. I have such a short shooting season with my farm work I don’t want to be without a Sporter.
Scott Albury is trying to rectify lack of venues by being a MD and adding another club. He is essentially MD for 3 clubs maybe 4 LOL. I hope he doesn’t burn out.
thanks for asking.
Nope, not burnt out yet! I only have the 2 clubs, and that's where it's going to stay. Both clubs are 72 miles from the house and are also the closest clubs to my home that have sanctioned matches. I ran both clubs last year with a co-md at Iowa and with yours and Jerry Goddard's help in Pontiac for regular matches plus Dave Warmker's help for the State and Regionals. Pontiac does have the double match thing, but it's no longer 2 clubs, as IR sees it. That changed in 2023 to one club, two matches. Since changing the Iowa club to IR 3-gun for 2024, I anticipate a slightly smaller workload for the upcoming season.

I am keeping an eye out for an action/rifle for you as we messaged about privately last week. I am also happy Paul is going to look through Bill Casey's collection this coming week for you. Slick had a lot of stuff! Something will surely turn up!

Take care my friend.......Scott

This is the Calfee Sporter. I haven't had a chance to go through all the other rifles yet but here are the pics I have of this one. Not sure on what it would be worth.
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