Stock tracking rudder

Tony K Harper

May 5, 2015
Reaction score
I believe you have made some stock tracking rudders for your stocks. Could you please show and tell how these devices work and how you made them?

I believe you have made some stock tracking rudders for your stocks. Could you please show and tell how these devices work and how you made them?

Here's a picture of one...

One other question if I may. Can you add these to your stock yourself, or do they have to be fitted by a gunsmith?
One other question if I may. Can you add these to your stock yourself, or do they have to be fitted by a gunsmith?
That really depends on how good at wood working you are. I hope Jeff give us one of his demonstrations on how he does it. That may serve as a good guide to follow.

Indeed, let's wait Jeff's way, but I think a good mill is needed.
Hello to Everyone.....

I haven't had time to post much lately.....we received about 15 inches of snow. In this part of the country, that much snow cripples us.
I've been covered over in Heating repairs....seems like when there's snow everyone hears the slightest sound as is scared their furnace is going out.
We usually only get about 3 or 4 inches at a time.

I'll try to put something together soon. Busy this weekend.
Yes Pedro, I definitely use a mill.
Although.....Bill Calfee only had a small vertical mill and produce some of the best straight line stocks out there.

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