Glazed Barrel


Staff member
May 2, 2015
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An old topic, but thought I would revisit.
Yeah..... I know..... this topic was debated. Some agree and some say they've never seen it.
Well just because you haven't seen it doesn't mean it doesn't happen.....just be glad you haven't experienced it.

Had a barrel sent to me, it used to be a "killer", customer was very happy with it. Then it laid down.
Engraving is good, chamber is good, no cleaning rod damage, good problem!!
Push a slug thru it and it will pop out looking like it's been chromed and should be mounted on a sports car. Push 3 more.....the same results.

Looks like I'll be breaking out Bill's old lapping rod. Thanks Bill
Oh yes! I miss my friend.

I'll follow up and let you all know how it turns out.

An old topic, but thought I would revisit.
Yeah..... I know..... this topic was debated. Some agree and some say they've never seen it.
Well just because you haven't seen it doesn't mean it doesn't happen.....just be glad you haven't experienced it.

Had a barrel sent to me, it used to be a "killer", customer was very happy with it. Then it laid down.
Engraving is good, chamber is good, no cleaning rod damage, good problem!!
Push a slug thru it and it will pop out looking like it's been chromed and should be mounted on a sports car. Push 3 more.....the same results.

Looks like I'll be breaking out Bill's old lapping rod. Thanks Bill
Oh yes! I miss my friend.

I'll follow up and let you all know how it turns out.

Howdy Jeff,

Please do follow up on this. If you can post some pics that would be great. I pushed a slug through a barrel awhile back and it just didn't look right at all.

Sorta chromed looking.....

I didn't get to examine any further and forgot about it.

So anything you post will be appreciated, I'm always looking to learn.

If my memory is right......Bill's favorite lapping rod was the one made for him by Bill Meyers.

Bill's 80th birthday would have been this month. I can't recall the day. I miss him, too.

Take care,

Hi Greg,

One has to be careful when de-glazing the barrel, because the rough barrel texture is present (rocky road) and you cannot lap enough to remove all the rocky road texture.....just enough to remove glaze and you can see the black oxide still on the slug. If one laps too much, obviously the bore size will increase too big and then you've lost it all.

Comparison picture posted...... I would like to see a little more black oxide on the slug.....but.....bore diameter is at it's max.
If you look can see how smooth the slugs on the left are (no wax carrying scratches present), then look to the slug on the right.... you can see the difference. You can also see the difference when comparing the bullet wax serrations before and after. After de-glazing the serrations are back to original.


Slug Comparison.jpg
Jeff will using Iosso on a bore mop help in deglazing? My barrel has about two cases fired and has pitting caused by the priming cpmpound also. Thank you, Les
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Hi Greg,

One has to be careful when de-glazing the barrel, because the rough barrel texture is present (rocky road) and you cannot lap enough to remove all the rocky road texture.....just enough to remove glaze and you can see the black oxide still on the slug. If one laps too much, obviously the bore size will increase too big and then you've lost it all.

Comparison picture posted...... I would like to see a little more black oxide on the slug.....but.....bore diameter is at it's max.
If you look can see how smooth the slugs on the left are (no wax carrying scratches present), then look to the slug on the right.... you can see the difference. You can also see the difference when comparing the bullet wax serrations before and after. After de-glazing the serrations are back to original.


View attachment 6347

Howdy Jeff,

Thank you very much, that helps. I need to push another slug or two through that barrel and compare them to your pics.

Thanks for the explanation as well. This is useful.

Take care,

Howdy Jeff,

Thank you very much, that helps. I need to push another slug or two through that barrel and compare them to your pics.

Thanks for the explanation as well. This is useful.

Take care,

Hi Greg,

Here's another comparison picture for you......
This is an Octagon....... Barrel presently on "Chisum"..... it was in my shop for evaluation, I de-glazed it (couple years ago).

Chisum De-glaze slugs.jpg
I’m glad you posted the info about glazed barrels. I might have missed it in all the posts, what is the main cause of a glazed barrel?
Cleaning method? Cleaning compound?
I would really like to see a good video of lapping a rimfire barrel the correct way, I’m just trying to learn and I’ve seen some on YouTube that just wasn’t shown very good.
If someone could send me a link or post one for a rimfire, I’d be very grateful.

I’m glad you posted the info about glazed barrels. I might have missed it in all the posts, what is the main cause of a glazed barrel?
Cleaning method? Cleaning compound?
Hi Jerry,

I'm not sure what causes the glazing???
Actually when I discuss with Bill, he told me he wasn't 100% sure as to what caused it......just that the only way he had found to remove it was by lapping.
His thoughts as I remember........ theory only, no proof..... was that certain cleaning fluids had an ingredient that when used, along with rapid firing of rounds down the barrel (heat) would create the condition for glazing. The 1st barrel I ever experienced glazing with was my own.......when Bill slugged it and found the glazing.....his first question was "what I used to clean with". Then I was told to never use it in a rimfire because he had found the same glazing in other barrels and when ask the same questions....same answer in multiple different barrels and shooters.

NO......I will not name the product! Can't do potential harm to a product without absolute proof!
The answer is.... I was told to clean with Hoppes #9 and do not shoot fast enough to overheat the barrel. I've never had it happen in my barrels since.

Thanks for the information! Hoppes #9 odor is like perfume to me and many, I will continue to use it!
I do remember BC’s admonition to watch firing too fast in BR50, the 50 shots in 30 minutes match. So what you remember seems to fit with that.
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Good to hear about the Hoppes #9 since that's all I have used since I was a kid. However, I do mix it with Kroil now. My barrel shows pits from the priming compound so the glaze is probably being lapped away with each shot.😂
Good to hear about the Hoppes #9 since that's all I have used since I was a kid. However, I do mix it with Kroil now. My barrel shows pits from the priming compound so the glaze is probably being lapped away with each shot.😂
Well THERE it is!


Take care,

With the ground glass in the priming compound used in match ammo today I don't see how a barrel could become glazed. Mine looks like it has been sandblasted.😣
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