Friend Michael "Black Death" Sherrill

Bill Calfee

Gun Fool
Friend Michael "Black Death" Sherrill

Friend Michael "Black Death" Sherrill:

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Your LBK and pistol fool friend, Bill Calfee
What's you thinking about today, Big Dog?

What's you thinking about today, Big Dog?

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Seekers of rimfire accuracy advancement:

I'm scared to death that no one's going to break Michael "Black Death Sherrill's ARA Indoor Nationals Record, that was set three years ago.

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And if Big Dog's Record is not broken, rimfire accuracy will not have advanced in three years...

By the way....for the record on this 17th day of November, 2022:

No one shooting a SAP ignition contraption will break Big Dog's record......

SAP ignition, in any form, does not produce enough ignition uniformity to break the record, especially while producing at least two 2500's...

Only well blueprinted MD-PAS ignition is capable of the kind of ignition uniformity needed to break the record.

Your LBK and pistol fool friend, Bill Calfee
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